Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Corporate America where it shouldn't be

{One clarification -- this is not about any leadership in our ward or stake.  These people work for an agency and are paid and one couple is acting as coordinators.}

Okay, I know I might ruffle some feathers with the following observations.  I grew up in California and we  used to joke about "Utah" Mormons.  Of course, the gospel is true where ever it is, it just seems that Utah Mormons think it is more true here and the way it is practiced or lived here is the true and correct way and Davis County is very much guilty of that thinking.

If that were true, my testimony would really be in danger.  I have just gone through an experience where I have dedicated my life to serving in a particular position.  I have stood in front of hundreds of people and told our story which has been a difficult task, at times.  I need to stop here and say that I never begrudged this, and almost always gave thanks and felt very privileged that people felt what Marty and I had gone through and learned was of value.

Unfortunately, some people can become a little prideful and greedy and anxious for power.  Those of you that know Marty and I  know that we are not ones to just follow the Pied Piper.  If we see something that we think is being done incorrectly, we will speak up.  That is where corporate America meets up with the Church (not the gospel).  We have this little kingdom in Davis County that I feel has gone off the rails and when I spoke my opinion, I suddenly found myself off in a corner, not being used in presentations.  Because things were not going to change, Marty and I decided to walk away.  No hard feelings -- concentrate on Nic and someday do this again.

You cannot believe the emails and phone calls that we have been getting from the "leadership."  Then when I wanted to meet with the people above and made a phone call to see about that, apparently I tried to call the King or royal family and that caused a whole uproar.  I just want to move on.

The last edict we got was that we are no longer allowed to attend the group that we have been going to for 6 1/2 years.  This same group that we started with and healed with.  We have been told it might make the new missionaries uncomfortable.  So my dear sisters -- I don't know what I'm going to do about that, but you will understand why I stay away for awhile.

Its a good thing that I recognize that people are human and can try to use unrighteous dominion when they want to stay in power and someone threatens that power.  This will not endanger my testimony of the gospel or this program.  No human can do that because both come from God.

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