Sunday, March 20, 2016

UCAP Conference Notes from Clay Olsen

UCAP Conference – March 12, 2015
How  Pornography is Changing an Entire Generation

Clay Olsen – Fight the New Drug

Research is proving pornography is harmful.

Truth is truth.  Research eventually catches up to truth.  Society eventually catches up to research.  At one time cocaine was used for toothaches.  Nursing mothers were encouraged to drink alcohol and tobacco was said to soothe and clear the lungs.  We know in 1938, tobacco was found to be harmful and it wasn’t until the 1980’s that the government pulled tobacco ads and added the Surgeon General’s warning on tobacco.  It took 40 years to catch up.
 BRAIN - This generation is dealing pornography on a scale never before seen.  It changing this generation in three areas:  brain, heart and world.

University of Cambridge, in a recent study reported that those who have sexual behavior exhibit a behavioral addiction that is comparable to drug addiction in the limbic brain circuitry after watching porn.  The reward pathway releases pleasure chemicals.  It can hijack and rewire this part of the brain.  The neuroplasticity wiring in the brain actually changes shape.

The study conducted by the Max Plank Institute for Human Development in Brain Research found less gray matter in porn users.  This impacts the front lobe – decision making.

University of Cambridge also found that men who demonstrate compulsive sexual behavior require more and novel sexual images because they are used to seeing faster and faster images.  It can straightjacket the brain.

Porn users mirror need of drug users.

HEART – What we love – How much we love – How we think of those we love – How we express our love.

What We Love - What we consume shapes our desires.

How Much We Love – Porn users are often dissatisfied with the “real” thing.

How We Think of Love – Porn users objectify women – they see them as a collection of body parts.

How We Express Love – it lowers libido.  1992 study showed 5% erectile dysfunction in men 18-59.  In 2012, study shows 30% ED in men 18-25.  In 2014, study shows 53.5% ED in men 16-21.

Porn can change your very nature.

A former porn star says that porn destroyed his ability to love.

WORLD – Yesterday v Today – access, availability, acceptability and human nature.

Pornography use is up and so is domestic violence.  Sexual assaults have increased on college campuses. 

Pornography is used to normalize exploitation and violence against women.  88% of porn contains violence against women.

Pornography is not real.  Women have talked about having a gun pointed at their head and threatened with death is they didn’t look like they were enjoying it.  It has and will continue to escalate.


We are seeing a shift because individuals are talking.  The research has caught up to the truth.  Now society needs to catch up with the research.

Fight the New Drug has set up an on-line program called  There are now 35,000 users in 150 countries.

We all know SimCity.  If we wanted to set up an addiction edition we would: make it wildly accessible; free; target the young for life long addicts; normalize it; keep it secret; integrate in other medias; and we could go on and on.
               Porn Culture                                      Anti-Porn
Out dated
Level headed

We need to change the conversation and flip that chart!

Fight the New Drug knows that you have to make cool first, then informative.  Otherwise, you lose the kids.  Millennials are more motivated to make cultural change than they are by money.  Their trust is at an all time low.

We need to be fighting the old thinking and build up the new.

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